Training and e-learning
It is the responsibility of all organisations to ensure they have a skilled and competent workforce who are able to take on the roles and responsibilities required to protect adults at risk and ensure an appropriate response when adult abuse or neglect does occur.
At this current time, the Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board does not provide single or multi-agency safeguarding training.
Social Care Institute for excellence: e-learning resource links
Adult care and support
e-Learning: Adult Safeguarding Resource
The resource is for everyone. If you are a personal assistant, a care worker, social worker or manager, you will learn more about dealing with the often complex issues surrounding suspected abuse. If you are a member of the public, you will find out what professionals do when abuse is suspected and what you can do to ensure that you, and the people around you, are protected from harm.
e-Learning: Mental Capacity Act
This e-learning resource is targeted at all staff working with people who lack or may lack capacity in the health and social care sectors. This includes paid and unpaid carers as well as families. Trainers and students will also find these resources useful.
Stop Adult Abuse Week Webinars – 20-24 November 2023
Stop Adult Abuse Week 2023 took place between 20th – 24th November. The five areas hosted a series of online learning events, these were free to access for any practitioner working with adults and families across Bristol, Somerset, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and BANES during the week-long campaign.
The theme of conference was ‘Safeguarding Yourself and Others’.
SSAB Annual Conference 2023
The 2023 SSAB Annual Conference took place on 02/03/2023. Copies of the presentations can be downloaded below:
A recording of Michael Preston-Shoot’s presentation on Self-Neglect:
Emma Lawton: Whose Rights Are We Safeguarding?
Jess Heslop: Making Safeguarding Family Centric
Dr Adi Cooper: How Personal Is Our Safeguarding?
SWAN: Advocacy – Not One Size Fits All
Chloe Cox and Rachel Caunce: Helping To Help Ourselves
Amy Rogers and Jess Rogers: Power to the People
SSAB Annual Conference 2019
The 2019 SSAB Annual Conference took place on 01/05/2019. Copies of the presentations can be downloaded below:
David Thornicroft: Sexual Activity and the Mental Capacity Act
CI Leanne Pook: FGM – An introduction
Mark Brookes and Andie Gbedemah: #ImWithSam: tackling learning disability and autism hate crime
Duncan Marrow: The Mental Capacity Act and Social Media
Chris Hamilton: Mental Capacity Act
Janet Quinn and Ros Cummings: Scams: How you can help your community to stand up against them
Andrew Lloyd: ‘Street Deaths’ Thematic Review and Streetwise Week of Action
Chris Hamilton: from DoLS to Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)
Mel Thomson and Suzanne Harris: Domestic AbuseCoercion and Control Within Relationships
SSAB Annual Conference 2018
The 2018 SSAB Annual Conference took place on 09/03/2018. Copies of the presentations can be downloaded below:
Further resources on financial scamming
Dr Margaret Flynn’s presentation on learning from the Mendip House Safeguarding Adults Review
Chris Hamilton’s presentation on the Mental Capacity Act
Paul Coles and Holly Stockdale’s presentation on safeguarding enquiries in care homes
Chief Inspector Mark Edgington’s presentation on modern slavery
Detective Chief Inspector Ray Hulin and Lucy Macready’s presentation on county lines and cuckooing
Lucy Watson and Glen Salisbury’s presentation on sexual exploitation – lessons for adult services
Headway’s second presentation on safeguarding people with acquired brain injuries