SSAB Annual Conference 2023
The 2023 SSAB Annual Conference took place on 02/03/2023. Copies of the presentations can be downloaded below:
A recording of Michael Preston-Shoot’s presentation on Self-Neglect:
- Emma Lawton: Whose Rights Are We Safeguarding?
- Jess Heslop: Making Safeguarding Family Centric
- Dr Adi Cooper: How Personal Is Our Safeguarding?
- SWAN: Advocacy – Not One Size Fits All
- Dimensions: Closed Cultures
- Chloe Cox and Rachel Caunce: Helping To Help Ourselves
- Amy Rogers and Jess Rogers: Power to the People
SSAB Annual Conference 2019
The 2019 SSAB Annual Conference took place on 01/05/2019. Copies of the presentations can be downloaded below:
- Agenda and Speaker Profiles
- David Thornicroft: Sexual Activity and the Mental Capacity Act
- CI Leanne Pook: FGM – An introduction
- Mark Brookes and Andie Gbedemah: #ImWithSam: tackling learning disability and autism hate crime
- Duncan Marrow: The Mental Capacity Act and Social Media
- Chris Hamilton: Mental Capacity Act
- Janet Quinn and Ros Cummings: Scams: How you can help your community to stand up against them
- Andrew Lloyd: ‘Street Deaths’ Thematic Review and Streetwise Week of Action
- Chris Hamilton: from DoLS to Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)
- Mel Thomson and Suzanne Harris: Domestic AbuseCoercion and Control Within Relationships
SSAB Annual Conference 2018
The 2018 SSAB Annual Conference took place on 09/03/2018. Copies of the presentations can be downloaded below:
- Financial Scamming: Professor Keith Brown’s presentation on financial scam prevention for vulnerable adults
- Further resources on financial scamming
- Dr Margaret Flynn’s presentation on learning from the Mendip House Safeguarding Adults Review
- Chris Hamilton’s presentation on the Mental Capacity Act
- Paul Coles and Holly Stockdale’s presentation on safeguarding enquiries in care homes
- Chief Inspector Mark Edgington’s presentation on modern slavery
- Detective Chief Inspector Ray Hulin and Lucy Macready’s presentation on county lines and cuckooing
- Lucy Watson and Glen Salisbury’s presentation on sexual exploitation – lessons for adult services
- Headway’s first presentation on safeguarding people with acquired brain injuries (includes link to media clip)
- Headway’s second presentation on safeguarding people with acquired brain injuries
Stop Adult Abuse Week Webinars – 20-24 November 2023
Stop Adult Abuse Week 2023 took place between 20th – 24th November. The five areas hosted a series of online learning events, these were free to access for any practitioner working with adults and families across Bristol, Somerset, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and BANES during the week-long campaign.
The theme of conference was ‘Safeguarding Yourself and Others’.