Somerset’s Safeguarding Adults Board has long regularly reviewed its effectiveness and performance as part of a wider quality assurance programme.   This takes the form of a ‘effectiveness survey’ seeking the views, opinions and feedback of its members against several key statements.   

The statements within the survey reflect those outlined within a national Adult Safeguarding Improvement Tool, developed in partnership by the Association of Chief Police Officers, the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, the Local Government Association, the NHS Confederation, and NHS Clinical Commissioners: Adult Safeguarding Improvement Tool | Local Government Association. 

This outlines the characteristics of well-performing and ambitious partnerships and is recommended as a means of self-assessment as well as being used in peer reviews and challenges. 

Results from the survey assist the Board in benchmarking its current performance, identifying both key strengths and any areas requiring our further focus and attention.  It provides us with the level of people’s understanding and experience of the Board’s activity, impact and progress over the past year – this is invaluable evidence to support the Board’s internal and external assurance activity, including the focus of the Care Quality Commission’s new assessment framework for local authorities which will also explore the work of SABs in ‘ensuring safety’. 

Somerset’s latest effectiveness survey was conducted in January 2024 and saw confidence levels improve across all 12 Effectiveness statements when comparing survey results to those taken 12 months ago in early 2023.  We have added a new question relating to compliance with statutory duties. 

Pleasingly, there is consensus from our members in the areas that require our ongoing further focus and attention which supports our strategic planning:

SSAB Effectiveness Survey


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About this article

July 12, 2024

Natalie Green
