Tricky Friends animation
“Tricky Friends” is a short animation originally developed by Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board, that the Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board has been kindly allowed to adapt to include the contact details for Somerset Direct, to help people to understand what good friendships are, when they might be harmful, and what they can do.
It is important that people with learning disabilities and autism, those who have cognitive difficulties, and also children and young adults, have positive opportunities to make and maintain friendships. We want to help them to do this, to reduce the risk of harm and exploitation in groups who may be less able to recognise the intentions of others.
We hope this animation is used as a way to help people to think about the issues, to start those conversations, and keep them safer while enjoying friendships.
It is only 3 minutes long, and can be used with or by anyone – carers, family, organisations, groups.
We hope you find it helpful.